2018 Toyota Highlander Fuse Box Diagram

If you’re looking for a 2018 Toyota Highlander Fuse Box Diagram, we’ve got you covered. Here’s everything you need to know about the fuse box diagram for your Toyota Highlander. The fuse box is located in the engine compartment on the driver’s side of the vehicle.

There are two fuse boxes in the Highlander, one under the hood and one under the dash. The under-hood fuse box is used to power accessories like the headlights and windshield wipers. The dash fuse box powers things like the radio and air conditioning.

If you’re looking for the 2018 Toyota Highlander fuse box diagram, you’ve come to the right place. Here at ToyotaPartsDeal.com, we have a great selection of genuine Toyota parts and accessories at wholesale prices. And when it comes to finding the right fuse box diagram for your Highlander, we’ve got you covered.

In the fuse box diagram below, you’ll find that there are two diagrams – one for the engine compartment and one for the interior cabin. The engine compartment diagram includes fuses for things like the engine, transmission, air conditioning, and more. Meanwhile, the interior cabin diagram includes fuses for things like the power windows, door locks, and radio.

So whether you need to replace a blown fuse or just want to know where everything is located, our 2018 Toyota Highlander fuse box diagram has got you covered. Simply click on the diagrams to enlarge them and print them out – it’s that easy!

Where is the Fuse Box in a 2018 Toyota Highlander?

The fuse box in a 2018 Toyota Highlander is located on the driver’s side, just to the left of the steering wheel.

Where is the Fuse Box Located on a Toyota Highlander?

The fuse box on a Toyota Highlander is located under the hood, on the driver’s side.

How Do I Access My Interior Fuse Panel?

If you need to access your interior fuse panel, there are a few steps you’ll need to follow. First, locate the fuse panel – it’s usually located under the dash or in the glove compartment. Once you’ve found it, open the panel and identify the desired fuse.

To remove a fuse, use a pair of needle-nose pliers to gently pull it out of its socket. If you need to replace a blown fuse, make sure to use one with the same amperage rating. Finally, insert the new fuse into its socket and close the panel.

Where are the Fuse Box Locations?

Most homes have a fuse box located in the basement. This is usually where the electrical panel is located. The fuse box will have a main breaker that controls all the circuits in the home.

Each circuit will have its own breaker, and there may be some additional breakers for things like the air conditioner or oven. If you can’t find your fuse box, check your electrical panel for a list of circuits and their associated breakers.

2018 Toyota Highlander Fuse Box Diagram

Credit: www.toyotanation.com

2018 Toyota Highlander Fuse Box Location

Most Toyotas have the fuse box located under the hood on the driver’s side. The 2018 Toyota Highlander is no different, and it can be found next to the 12V automotive battery. Simply pop open the cover of the fuse box and you will find a diagram labeling each individual fuse.

If you need to replace a blown fuse, simply use a screwdriver or pliers to remove the old fuse and insert a new one of the same amperage.


The 2018 Toyota Highlander has a lot to offer drivers and passengers alike. Not only is it comfortable and stylish, but it’s also packed with features that make life on the road easier. One of those features is the fuse box diagram.

Located on the driver’s side of the vehicle, the fuse box diagram helps you identify which fuse goes to what. That way, if something does go wrong, you can easily figure out which one needs to be replaced. The diagram is also color-coded, so it’s easy to see at a glance which ones are most important.

If you’re ever in doubt about which fuse goes where, consult your owners manual or give your local Toyota dealership a call. They’ll be happy to help you out!



Robert is a lifelong enthusiast of all things automotive. He has been working with wiring diagrams and schematics since he was in high school, and continues to use them as the foundation for his knowledge today.

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