Toyota 4 Wire Ignition Coil Diagram

A Toyota 4 wire ignition coil diagram can be found in a service manual. The manuals are available for purchase at most auto parts stores. The coils create the spark that is necessary to start the engine.

The firing order of the cylinders is 1-4-2-5-3-6, so the coils must be installed in that order as well.

If your Toyota has a four-wire ignition coil, you may be wondering what the extra wire is for. The answer is simple: it’s there to provide a path for the current to flow through when the coil is not in use. The way it works is this: when the engine is off, the current from the battery flows through the coil and into the ground.

This keeps the coil from building up a charge and prevents it from being damaged by electrical surges. When you turn on the engine, though, the current flow reverses and goes through the spark plug instead of grounding out. There are other benefits to having a four-wire ignition coil as well.

One is that it reduces radio frequency interference (RFI). Another is that it helps improve fuel economy by reducing engine misfires. So if you’re wondering what that extra wire on your Toyota’s ignition coil does, now you know!


What are the 4 Wires on a Ignition Coil?

An ignition coil is a type of transformer that steps up the voltage of the low-voltage electricity coming from the car battery to the high-voltage needed to create an electric spark in the spark plugs. It consists of two coils of wire wrapped around a metal core. The primary coil has fewer turns of wire than the secondary coil and is connected to the car battery.

The secondary coil has more turns of wire than the primary coil and is connected to the distributor cap. When voltage from the battery is applied to the primary coil, it creates a magnetic field. This magnetic field then induces a current in the secondary coil, which steps up the voltage to as much as 20,000 volts.

This high-voltage current flows through the distributor cap to each spark plug in turn, igniting fuel in the cylinders.

How Do You Test a Toyota 4 Wire Ignition Coil With a Multimeter?

A Toyota 4 wire ignition coil can be tested with a multimeter by checking the resistance between the terminals. The resistance should be within the specified range for the coil to be considered good. If the resistance is outside of the specified range, then the coil may need to be replaced.

How Does a 4 Wire Coil Work?

A four-wire coil is a type of electrical coil that has four wires instead of the more common two or three wires. The extra wire allows for a fourth connection to be made, which can be used for a variety of purposes. For example, the fourth wire can be used to create a tapped coil, which is an coils that has two or more windings with different numbers of turns.

This type of configuration is useful for creating adjustable inductors or transformers. Another possible use for the fourth wire is to create what is known as a balanced coil. This type of coil has two sets of windings that are mirror images of each other, meaning that they have the same number of turns and are wound in opposite directions.

This creates cancels out any magnetic fields that might be generated by the individual windings, making the overall field much weaker. This can be useful in applications where electromagnetic interference needs to be minimized. The final use for a fourth wire in an electrical coil is as a sense wire.

This type of wiring is typically found in transformer applications where it’s important to know the current flowing through the primary winding. The sense wire is connected to a point on the primary winding and then brought out so that it can be monitored externally. Overall, four-wire coils offer a lot of potential advantages over traditional two or three-wire coils thanks to their extra connection point.

How Do You Test a 4 Prong Ignition Coil?

An ignition coil is a type of transformer that increases the voltage of an incoming electrical current before it is sent to the spark plugs. This helps create a stronger spark, which in turn helps the engine start and run more efficiently. There are different types of ignition coils, but most modern vehicles have four-prong coils.

If you’re having trouble starting your car or if it’s running rough, testing your ignition coil is a good place to start. To test a four-prong ignition coil, you’ll need a multimeter that can measure AC voltage. Begin by disconnecting the negative battery terminal to prevent any accidental shocks.

Then locate the coil pack on your vehicle–it will usually be close to the spark plugs and their wires. Once you’ve found it, remove the wiring harness so you can access the individual coils. Using your multimeter, set it to measure AC voltage and touch one of the meter’s leads to each of the small terminals on the coil (one at a time).

You should see a reading between 1 and 2 volts; if not, then the coil is faulty and needs to be replaced. Finally, reconnect everything and give your car a try–it should be running better than before!

Toyota 4 Wire Ignition Coil Diagram


4 Wire Toyota Ignition Coil Resistance Specifications

If you’re having trouble starting your Toyota, or if the engine is misfiring, it could be an issue with the ignition coils. The ignition coil is responsible for providing spark to the spark plugs, which in turn ignites the fuel in the engine. There are four wires that connect to the Toyota ignition coil- two thick ones and two thin ones.

The resistance specifications for each of these wires is as follows: -The two thick wires should have a resistance of 0.7-1.3 ohms -The two thin wires should have a resistance of 4.0-5.6 ohms

If any of these wire resistances are out of specification, it could mean there’s an issue with the ignition coil and it will need to be replaced.


If you’re troubleshooting your Toyota’s ignition coil and need a 4 wire ignition coil diagram, this post is for you. Ignition coils are an essential part of your vehicle’s ignition system, and if one goes bad, it can cause all sorts of problems. A 4 wire ignition coil diagram can help you diagnose the issue and get it fixed quickly.

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Robert is a lifelong enthusiast of all things automotive. He has been working with wiring diagrams and schematics since he was in high school, and continues to use them as the foundation for his knowledge today.

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